Refund Policy

Gulf Coast Soccer works year-round to provide quality soccer programming for players of all ages, abilities and socio-economic means. We understand there are times where family or player situations change, and a refund request is made. The club refund policy is intended to honor requests where appropriate and to protect club membership from incurring expenses on behalf of a player who is no longer willing or able to play (this includes injury or illness).


Explanation: Within 30-45 days before the league season starts, the club will order uniforms, prepare facility, form teams, hire referees, schedule fundraisers, etc. based on the number of players we registered. As the club incurs these expenses we must subtract them from any refund requests we receive. By opening day or before, all registration funds received will have been allocated toward current or future expenses; therefore, at that time we cannot issue further refunds.




Fall Seasons:

A written request for withdrawal received before July 15th will be refunded at 100%, those between July 15th and August 1st at 50%, those between August 1st and August 15 at 25%, and those received after August 15th at 0%.


Refund Request Form - Fall Season


Spring Seasons:

A written request for withdrawal received before February 15th will be refunded at 100%, those between February 15th and March 1st at 50%, and those between March 1st and March 15th at 25%, those received after March 15th at 0%


Refund Request Form - Spring Season


If you have any questions, please email the Club Registrar at