Player Evaluation and Team Placement

Player Evaluation and Team Placement

Gulf Coast Soccer utilizes a year-round player evaluation and placement process to determine the developmentally appropriate playing level for each player.

This placement balances their technical, tactical, physical and psychosocial capabilities with the demands of the training and games they will experience over the course of the year. At the end of each fall and spring season, players and parents will be invited to a one-on-one meeting with your trainer and coach to provide feedback on their development in all phases of the game and some things they can work on to improve in the offseason and season ahead.

For incoming U11-U19 players, a tryout event is held in May/June of each year. This tryout will allow us to provide an objective analysis of their current abilities as a player and give them a starting point within the competitive program. Players are then placed on a team and playing-level that is developmentally appropriate for them.

Players may be moved during the year for developmental purposes. Player movement may be in the form of training up, guest playing up or even a permanent move up or down if it is developmentally appropriate for the player. Player movement is a staff decision and only done to provide developmental benefits to the player.

If you have any questions about tryouts or getting on a competitive team, please contact the Director of Coaching Roy Lassiter at